LJ’s Plan Management NDIS plan management done differently

How to change your Plan Manager and the termination of your current service booking.

Contact the NDIS 1800 800 110 ph.

 “I have attempted to contact my current Plan Manager but have not received a response.

Please end my current Service Booking with [current Plan Manager's name]”

“My new Plan Manager is LJ’s Plan Manager,
Provider No. 405 003 1364”.

Then contact Lynn

Professional and experienced NDIS Plan Management
Servicing Australia Wide.

Call Lynn today on 0403 131 571.


What is an NDIS Provider?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, (NDIS) is a Federal Government funded scheme that is specifically for people with a life-long disability, (recipient). 

This funding enables the recipient to maintain their current lifestyle, enable participants to access Allied Health Professional and support workers to improve their quality of life overall.

I fit into this scheme after Plan approval, by being the recipient’s “NDIS bookkeeper”!

My Services

Plan Management

In simple terms, a Plan Manager is basically a bookkeeper. I pay your invoices, track your funding and send out monthly reports.

Liase with providers, support staff, NDIS staff etc to enable the funds to last the length of the plan or to work collaboratively with your support team when unexpected issues arise.

While our processing is automatic, no invoice in uploaded without checking that it all looks like normal ongoing support.

I work closely with your support coordinator, or with the client - if no SC is in plan, I can help you link into supports to get you the very best out of your plan.

Why LJ’s?

  • Experienced Sole Trader, Plan Manager & Bookkeeper.

  • I have personal and lived experience with disability, Autism, (close family members) and fully appreciate what it is to live with a disability.

  • I understand the additional stress that is involved.

  • Independent Sole Trader, Non Aligned Plan Manager

  • Fully NDIS Compliant

  • Mobile access to our software that can give you the real time access to your funding totals

  • I am friendly, NDIS experienced, (4 years)

Some comments from clients best describe me as:

  • Lived disability experience

  • Personalised Service, I am the only one you will talk to/email with, I know your names and sometimes background stories

  • “Supportive and efficient & extremely helpful, understanding and friendly truthful & when necessary will research & advise you of your rights within the NDIS guidelines”

  • "l gave Lynn a call and she was wonderful. Very kind and knowledgeable”

  • Provider satisfaction through prompt payments

  • Trustworthy, caring, understanding and easy to talk to


Lynn Jones Profile Picture - Green Background.png

Lynn Jones

I am a Sole Trader, Bookkeeper and have expanded my small business into the NDIS as a Registered Plan Manager.

As I also live with a child who receives an NDIS support plan, I have an intimate understanding of the physical and emotional stresses which goes hand in hand with being a full time carer.

With over 25 years of bookkeeping experience and 4 years in the NDIS industry, I’m well equipped to advocate for any and all NDIS recipients.

Through the effective maintenance of NDIS plans, you as a recipient will finally be able to start living your life as you truly deserve – with the full support of your providers.

For your providers, the most important thing aside from the opportunity to assist you, is to be paid promptly & regularly.

I service Australia wide, with offices in Melbourne, Bass Coast and Central Cost NSW!

When working with me you will find:

  • I have excellent communication and time management skills

  • Comprehensive computer skills

  • I am very easy to talk to

  • Have experience and empathy for what our lives are really like

  • Finally, as a sole trader, I’m the person that answers your call.

Please feel free to contact me at any time, I look forward to working with you.

Contact Me

Contact Mobile: 0403 131 571
Contact Email: lynn@ljsplanmanager.com.au
Invoice Processing: invoices@ljsplanmanager.com.au