LJ’s Plan Management NDIS plan management done differently
How to change your Plan Manager and the termination of your current service booking.
Contact the NDIS 1800 800 110 ph.
“I have attempted to contact my current Plan Manager but have not received a response.
Please end my current Service Booking with [current Plan Manager's name]”
“My new Plan Manager is LJ’s Plan Manager,
Provider No. 405 003 1364”.
Then contact Lynn
Professional and experienced NDIS Plan Management
Servicing Australia Wide.
Call Lynn today on 0403 131 571.
What is an NDIS Provider?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme, (NDIS) is a Federal Government funded scheme that is specifically for people with a life-long disability, (recipient).
This funding enables the recipient to maintain their current lifestyle, enable participants to access Allied Health Professional and support workers to improve their quality of life overall.
I fit into this scheme after Plan approval, by being the recipient’s “NDIS bookkeeper”!
Contact Me
Contact Mobile: 0403 131 571
Contact Email: lynn@ljsplanmanager.com.au
Invoice Processing: invoices@ljsplanmanager.com.au